How to Improve Your Memory and Remember Anything (feat. Dr. Anthony Metivier)

If you've ever found yourself forgetting where you left your keys or blanking out during tests or meetings, then you have probably wished that your memory wa...

If you've ever found yourself forgetting where you left your keys or blanking out during tests or meetings, you may have found yourself wishing that you had a better memory.

If you’re one of those people who wants to find out how to unlock your natural ability to learn and remember anything instantly then you’re in luck.

Because my guest is a pro in this field. Dr. Anthony Metivier is an experienced memory expert and the author of a dozen bestselling books on this topic. He has taught thousands of students in three different countries. He is also the creator of the acclaimed Magnetic Memory Method. 

Anthony joins me in this episode, to offer his insight into various aspects of our memory such as the role our genetics and lifestyle and physical state play in our ability to remember things. And of course, he shares tips on how we can improve our memory and make them stick.

Interview time stamps:

02:43​ ︳How Anthony became a memory expert

06:41​ ︳The role genetics and age in our ability to remember

08:25​ ︳Why some people remember things better than others

10:07​ ︳How to create lifestyle and mindset to enhance your memory

11:50​ ︳Anthony's take on “senior moments” and memory loss due to aging

12:25​ ︳Anthony’s recommended memory-boosting foods

14:03​ ︳Description and benefits of Anthony’s signature program “Magnetic Memory Method”

16:26​ ︳The impact of living in an overstimulated and busy society

20:27​ ︳Things we can do to improve our memory and make memories stick

Learn more about Dr. Anthony Metivier at his website.



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